
almost done!

also, keep checking emails for updates about meetings and other events

May 7 – 4th Sunday of Easter

we’ll be testing/reviewing with the kids in stations today, so just come ready to lead a station. I’ll have the objectives prepped and laid out for you to take a topic to cover–come early if you want to pick a particular station. depending on how many HT we have, we may or may not double up on stations….

possible topics
nghiem tap
Thanh The

May 14 – 5th Sunday of Easter – Mother’s Day

so far a free day  (aka I have no plans as of yet;;)

if anyone has any ideas, let me know. Mother’s Day activities welcome.

otherwise, tbd

May 21 – 6th Sunday of Easter – Be Mac

i will not be home on this day, but we’ll have Be Mac and probably doan activities (will confirm with other NT and let you know)

be mac
CDT notes
-will need to pick kids for awards
-have two cap 3 DT to lead
-i’ll let you know if we’re gonna tap hop as a doan from the beginning or not (and what to do with the posters)

everyone else
-help the kids line up in the U
-help facilitate any and all activities, whether in nganh or as a doan
-remind the kids and everyone to hydrate

May 28 – Ascension  – Memorial Day Weekend

obviously no sinh hoat, but this is here to highlight the fact that camp is the following week. also the Ascension is a big deal.

June 1-4 – Pentecost Sunday – May Hong VIII

um, very important. 🙂 please stay updated on what’s going on with camp, and contact SMT (Tr. Quynh), BCH, and/or committee heads for questions!
